It’s time to release my new music video called ‘Sleeping Beauty’ from the upcoming album ‘Homage to Grämlis’ – Album Release July 14th 2023!!!

Getting too old to keep up the farm and for many other reasons too, my parents had to eventually give up the land and move on. During that time of March 2018, no one really knew what will happen with this farm land in beautiful Horw, a village close to Luzern (Switzerland). The question marks were written on every dear neighbor’s forehead and everyone was hoping that this beautiful farm could continue in one way or the other.

That was the time it felt like ‘Sleeping Beauty’ to me, since no one was living there anymore, neither animal nor human being. Everything was quiet and full of mysteries. No one knew what will happen next…

There were many discussions going on in the village. The state wanted to sell the land and either build a golf club or amusement park on it, but neighbors collected signatures to keep it going as farmland for the community, and my parents won.

Once my parents retired and left, another family with three girls and one boy moved in and they are keeping the farm up to this day. Funny, eh? Three girls and one boy – just like us…

There is continuity and the cycle closes – as it does so often with nature. Maybe I can’t go home again, but I can visit Grämlis, a place that will always live on in my brother’s beautiful pictures (, my own musical works and most of all: in my heart.

GABRIELA MARTINA – voice & composition & arrangements
VANCIL COOPER – drums & percussion
KYLE MILES – acoustic & electric bass
JUSSI REIJONEN – electric & acoustic guitar
MAXIM LUBARSKY – piano & keys
BEN ROSENBLUM – accordion

29 juni 2023
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