Hoe lang duurt het voordat YouTube een zogeheten “age gate” instelt voor de zojuist gelanceerde video (zie hieronder) van Steel Panther’s nieuwe single ‘Friends With Benefits’, omdat er vier topless vrouwen in te zien zijn?
De spraakmakende glamrock band uit L.A. heeft er zelfs een prijsvraag van gemaakt op zijn socials: “YouTube loves to restrict Steel Panther’s videos. With our new video coming today, we expect this next one to be no different. So, we thought we’d have a little fun with it this time. We ask you: how many views will we get before we get age-gated? Make your guess HERE.“
Uitgerekend op Valentijnsdag brengt het romantische viertal zijn nieuwe (3e) single ‘Friends With Benefits’ uit, die net als de vorige singles ‘Never Too Late’ en ‘1987’ op het gloednieuwe (6e) studio-album ‘On The Prowl’ staan dat op vrijdag 24 februari 2023 zal verschijnen als opvolger van ‘Heavy Metal Rules‘ uit 2019.
Steel Panther: “With less than two weeks until the release of our sixth studio album ‘On The Prowl’ and to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we are back with our latest music video from the album. ‘Friends With Benefits’ is a song that lyrically explores a mutually beneficial relationship between two consenting adults. The music video – directed by longtime collaborator J.T. Arbogast – is our take on the immensely popular show ‘Shark Tank’.”
The band appears in Panther Den as they try to pitch a series of creative ideas to four high-powered cougars. Products such as the Glorious Hole, The Coolcumber and Slikknutz all sound like meaningful creations until Michael Starr arrives selling himself and his companionship package. The band performs in front of the panel of female business leaders and by the time the song is over – there are more than just their wallets out.